The Mundane Mycelium Membership is a space for attuning to practices of perception that have been foundational for the majority of our animist ancestors. These kinds of embodied relationality are the building blocks of ritual and culture, reweaving the relational feedback loops that have been severed by systems of domination.

Masquerading as an online membership community potentiated through live events over zoom, the Mycelium lives within the subtle field weaving space of the internet, embodying an ordinary invitation into the warping of space-time through the gathering of video recordings and written sharings over so many distances and moments.

We are co-creating a resonant field space in which we can practice deepening our relationship to embodied center and creative agency within wider ecological and ancestral fields of support.

Gratitude to the many teachers and guides who have supported the Mycelium's emergence, especially Bree Greenberg, Larissa Kaul, and Sadee Whip, whose approaches and frameworks have been formative to the integrity and wider root system of this offering.

Layers of Participation in The Mycelium:

Access to the Mundane Mycelium events, forum, and Ecosystem Spoons learning library of guided practice recordings

Access to the Mundane Mycelium and The Weaver’s Guild 3x monthly group practice calls and a group message thread. (limited to 6 people, by application)

Access to the Mundane Mycelium and two 1-1 sessions a month with a direct message thread between for integration

(limited to 4 people, by application)

(Supported by Alembic Seed Resourcing Fund )

This Creative Cycle in the Mycelium . . .

This next six months in the Mycelium, we will be exploring the process of Primal Becoming through experiential relationship with the Nornir, primordial pattern beings who tend the roots of the tree of life.

At the center of reality is a tree and a wellspring. The Nornir tend the edge here, the border between life and death, a liminal becoming. They are the ultimate arbiters of fate. Fate not as static predestination, but as a relational layering, a participatory dance between what is and what must necessarily grow. 

The Norns are among the Old Ones within Northern European cosmology, their existence documented by written traces of pre-Christian oral culture, preserved in a trail of contradictory fragments, pointing to a completely different relationality with time and process.

The Nornir bring nurture to the roots of reality, to Yggdrasil who grows through all the worlds. They lay down Oorlog, primal law, the geologic strata of what has become. The Norns contain the sacred wellspring, honoring the sourcing, tending the cycle through which primordial waters nourish the tree of life.

Layers of Participation in The Mycelium:

Access to the Mundane Mycelium events, forum, and Ecosystem Spoons learning library of guided practice recordings

Access to the Mundane Mycelium and The Weaver’s Guild 3x monthly group practice calls and a group message thread. (limited to 6 people, by application)

Access to the Mundane Mycelium and two 1-1 sessions a month with a direct message thread between for integration

(limited to 4 people, by application)

(Supported by Alembic Seed Resourcing Fund )

Included in all layers

of the Mycelium Membership:

  • Each month in the Mycelium, Shante’ will guide a monthly experiential ritual over zoom to invoke each relationship with each of these beings, with sharing circles before and after to explore how they can nourish themes in our own lives around animist relational integrity.

  • Ecosystem Spoons Online Course with 9 hours of guided video and audio practices.

  • Fruiting Bodies discussion forum for emergent sharing and play

  • Additional monthly pop-up events exploring themes around energetic integrity and creative potentiation through Constellations and Somatic Explorations.

  • Offerings from guest artists and practitioners.

  • Recording library with 30 hours of guided practices and full session recordings.


"I have a deeper felt sense of being held by the larger field.”

— Patti Gmeiner

Ecosystem Spoons Participant

“Shante’ is attempting to give language to somatic experience that has mostly not been available to colonized humans but that we very much all need access to."

—Lise Weil

Goddard College Faculty Advisor

“Sharing space with Shante' Zenith lets you safely explore all the cracks and crevices within, making space for new insights and intra-relationships you never could have imagined were possible. Our mutual support session had me feeling held in a way that I have not felt with very many practitioners. She knows exactly how to guide your body towards nourishment with her playfulness and gentle curiosity.”

—Scout Rainer Wiley

Oscillator's Stone + Pracitioner-Peer

“Getting to watch your years of process unfold was such an honor and then some; feeling the benefits in my system from the ways you’ve learned to work with yours, there’s something about seeing kinda the before/after/in process that has a particular richness, realness and depth to it… A wonderful warmth washes over me as I watch and listen to you distill, expand and create from this years long process.”

—Kate Munson

Ecosystem Spoons Participant

"The way that you hold space is so juicy. Your energy really set the tone in slowing down time (or maybe opening it up is more accurate) during our groups. Just the way that showed me what is possible to access felt like such a big deal, and that shift in relationship to ecosystems / ourselves / each other carried over for me after our groups like a sweet afterglow. The way you feel out in the moment what the group energy is telling you and where to move to next indicates so much about you as a teacher...It felt/feels like you have ... a really skilled ability to show up honestly, creatively and supportively with yourself and all of us as we all navigate this dance. The value of what you offer is tremendous.”

—Parker Rice

Ecosystem Spoons Participant

"Speaking to the 'colonized body' - a body that has been radically disconnected from cultural practices and ancestral lineages in custodial relationship to place - Shante's work provides resonance, understanding, and sacred somatic engagements that allow our colonized nervous systems to sink back into a soil that Shante' refers to as primordial nourishment.”

—Sarah Van Hoy

Goddard College Faculty Advisor

Mycelium Dates 2024:

July — The Well

Mycelium Ritual: Sunday, July 14th, 2-4pmCT

August — Verthandi

Mycelium Ritual: Sunday, August 11th, 2-4pmCT


Mycelium Ritual: Sunday, September 15th, 2-4pmCT


Mycelium Ritual: Sunday, October 13th, 2-4pmCT


Mycelium Ritual: Sunday, November 3rd, 2-4pmCT

December— Skuld

Mycelium Ritual: Sunday, December 8th, 2-4pmCT

Layers of Participation in The Mycelium:

Access to the Mundane Mycelium events, forum, and Ecosystem Spoons learning library of guided practice recordings

Access to the Mundane Mycelium and The Weaver’s Guild 3x monthly group practice calls and a group message thread. (limited to 6 people, by application)

Access to the Mundane Mycelium and two 1-1 sessions a month with a direct message thread between for integration

(limited to 4 people, by application)

(Supported by Alembic Seed Resourcing Fund )