Relational Field Sensing supports visionary creative projects in piercing through dominant reality fields to potentiate primordial, ancestral dreamings.

Calling in the passion projects, the epic book-visions, the performances-that-are-secretly-rituals, the liberatory transformative healing curriculums, the ecstatic art installations, the movements towards relational remediation, the creations for ecological intimacy, the visionary ancestral dreamings that are woven of collective threads so much older than your life.

Calling in the projects that don’t know if they can ever find a home within the industry that defines how your work should be…the projects that feel both vast and primordial in ways that refuse to be compromised by commodification.

These visionary creations have their own intelligence and agency. They carry an energy of potentiation and disruption, the ability to destroy and renew, to pierce through distortions of domination.

These are the projects that are seeding a lived aesthetic that can become a culture, setting the template for possible realities, making transformation tangible, allowing people to feel what might become.

And yet so often, these are the very projects that are held back from their full emergence within dominant reality. Because they’re coming from an Other place, sourcing from rhythms and time scales that move against productive standards of domination, they need a completely different kind of attunement as they are coming into form.

We are not isolated bodies, we come trailing ancestors and ecosystems.

Each word, each thought that shapes our perception of reality, carries with it the relational traces of all that has shaped its becoming.

These imaginal shapings are Relational Fields that we are immersed within like water, collective patterns from lineage and culture that saturate the space around us, like radio waves transmitting across distances, images and sound unseen until embodied.

The spreading of a vision that is bigger than you is limited by your own edges of habituated perception.

It’s limited by the gaze of the institutional approaches and cultural assumptions about the thing you do and the way that you do it.

We're so often working within fields that have been fragmented into disciplinary silos, contorted into commodities that are degrading the circulatory feedback loops of relationship, exiling the intelligence of the in-between.

You may already be deeply skilled in your profession, in the craft of creation, of teaching, of guiding people into other ways of becoming.

But there is still a part of your vision that is existing out of time, waiting for the right conditions in which to unfurl, a part that is connected to a deeper source of knowing that portends completely different ways of being beyond the confines of consensus reality.

How you bring back these knowings into actual Relational Embodiment is the secret game we are playing here, a calibrating dance aligning creative process within energetic integrity, erotic potency, and the vibrant unfurling of your aliveness.

Relational Field Sensing opens space for the mutual maturation between your creative vision and your own self-intimacy within creative process.

This work invites deep honesty to an awareness of:

What is the creativity actually for?

What is the ritual it is wanting to embody?

This work opens a portal into alchemical presence where nothing external is added and yet there is an increasing of the space around you. Where you can actually breathe more deeply. Where you can slow down. Where you don't have to know anymore because you can feel your way through in the space and the silence. Where you can touch the core of that which is most vitally becoming.

As a Relational Field Consultant, I support attunement to the unified field of creative potentiation, the place where the dreamings are coming from.

Relational Field Sensing tunes to support from the collective fields of guiding ancestors and primordial forces, making space for the rhythms of your creature-body to soften into organic intimacy with unfurling creative process.

This work tunes towards space without need for contortion. It tunes towards embodied wholeness in which nothing needs to be sacrificed and everything has a space to belong within the wider context of becoming.

Relational Field Sensing is the emergent application of over eight years of graduate research into practices of systemic liberation and embodied ritual, influenced by core frameworks from Bree Greenberg of the Movement of Existence and Larissa Kaul of Animist Arts.

The foundation of this approach grew out of sixteen years of creative practice co-creating imaginal architectures within theatre, poetics, and other interdisciplinary arts spaces.

This work draws on ecological, somatic, and decolonial approaches to collective emergent process, especially rooted in field-work from my training as a facilitator in Systemic Constellations and Warm Data.

Relational Field Consulting supports many layers of the creative process:

*Orienting to systemic context through which aspects of self are felt within responsive relationship to the wider fields of ancestors, cultural influences, and primordial presences who are shaping your project's evolution

* Connecting the energetic signature of the "spirit of your project" as the primary guide

* Organizing large volumes of creative material into navigable systems that can be refined and shared with others so they can live outside your body

* Catching the creative flow and emergent articulation process through transcripts and note taking

* Refining aesthetic approaches that the vision is communicated through so that it embodies the spirit of the project

* Mapping resourcing needs across the lifespan of the project and cultivating the creation of a distributed network of support

* Maintaining an external sense of continuity across durational creative process, reflecting your process back to you in the places where you need external mirroring

*Cultivating organic intimacy with emergence and advocating for the rhythm and pacing of your creature-body in the midst of high-velocity visionary channeling and emergent creative expression.

I also bring experience in dramaturgy, directing, producing, performance, structural editing, research, website design, graphic design, video editing, fundraisers, copy editing, archival organization, tech hosting, and designing online communities and courses—any of these technical skills can also be integrated within a Relational Field Consulting project contract as part of a holistic support process.

This work finds the sweet spot between your intimate aliveness and your attunement with a wider dreaming.

In Relational Field Consulting, we are making a space for what hasn’t been allowed to be “real” or included within the creative process—the deep kernel of longing that ignited the project, the presence of the particular ancestral dreamings that are influencing it, the spirit of your project as a guiding beacon—to be welcomed back as primary sources of intelligence within your cycle of creation.

There is a mutual shaping between your human self and your creative life-work. A trance journey that happens over time, through different rivers of creative expression, a slow accumulation of what is known.

These ongoing encounters with creative life force will change your entire perception of reality. Honing and refining your embodied expression to a clear point of presence, an energetic sweet spot that can pierce through to the center of what is vital, honest, most potently alive.

Creative life-work is Ritual, invoking deep relationality with the sacred.

And yet you will most likely be interfacing this life-work within structures that don’t have a ritual context for it, that see the being-ness of what you are creating as a commodity, a concept, something to be consumed.

But you will still know that the essence of each dreaming—each story, character, or vision that comes from that place of creative potency—will ignite a potentiation of itself within all the bodies it encounters, within the readers, within the audiences, turning everything it encounters into a space for its emergence.

You are the material your art is shaping into life.

This is achemy.

This is potentiation.

When the creation takes you.

When the spirit of your project wakes up to guide.

(All of these words, and also... The practice of Relational Field Sensing can’t really be fully explained or described as a static “doing” because it is emergent and completely responsive to what is happening in the moment. It is a meeting of what desires to be presenced in the space between us, like a jazz improv or the circulatory process of a water cycle.)

Request an Exploratory Consult

for Relational Field Consulting

Learning the Shape of the Exploration

What does it feel like? When is it most alive? What does it want to become?

Relational Field Consulting Support

Offered both in-person and on zoom as a long-form group workshop for a team of participants, bespoke facilitation to clarify the relational fields around your exploration and pierce through to the relational core. Can be a few hours to several days in length depending on context. Modalities drawn from include: Relational Field Sensing Group Processes, Systemic Constellations, Energetic Essences + Expressive Tuning Process, Dancing with Domination Fields, Warm Data Labs, and Collective Ritual.

Contributing to this Research and Development Process

Rates for Relational Field Consulting are determined based on individual and project context and this Research and Development phase is supplemented by the Alembic Seed Resourcing Fund, a transformative economic structure for nourishing creative projects across all parts of the ecosystem. Please sense into your contextual location in terms of the amount of resource you have access to and how it might be able to ripple out to other projects, and also in terms of how you might signal boost the sharing of this vision and help it to find other contexts in which it can flourish.

Thank you for filling out this interest form! Please note that it may take me a week or two to get back to you as I am reviewing all the inquiries. My ability to support specific projects will be contingent on the fundraising process for Alembic that is happening simultaneous to this. If I am not immediately available to support your project but it feels like a good fit for the Relational Field Sensing approach, I will add you to a waitlist for future times when I have additional resource to subsidize my work with people.