You may already be deeply skilled in your profession, in the craft of creation, of teaching, or guiding people into other ways of becoming. But there is a part of you that is still waiting to unfurl. Aspects of visionary practice that are connected to such deep knowing that there is no interface between them and the industry that defines how your work should be. And so there’s a fundamental contortion, and an isolation in the part of you that is connected to the deepest source, the actual forces of creative agency.

Right now, I’m calling in your subtlest creative dreamings…the ones that came in from the web, that are woven of collective threads so much older than your life. I’m calling in the projects that don’t know if they can ever find a home within consensus reality…that feel both vast and primordial in ways that refuse to be compromised. Come play with me in this emergent container where we will shake up the energetic stuck places without taking them so damn seriously. Let’s find the sweet spot between your intimate aliveness and the wider dreaming.

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